I thought it was about time I wrote an update. In November I took the car off of the road and I have been working on four things at the same time;
-1- New rear Lower wishbones
-2- Installation of an Audi S2 engine
-3- Installation of a new DigiDash
-4- Installation of a new steering wheel based control system
The Lower wishbones were required to take the extra 155bhp that’s coming with the S2 engine, and were delivered by Edge. Although not fitted they look a lot better and will be dealt with soon.
Today I have the engine at last in the correct position for installation. The gearbox is held in place with blocks of wood, the right hand engine mount is a mock up, and the left hand side I just need to weld. With this done I can now measure, design and manufacture the final gearbox and engine mounts. This is important to ensure that the cooling, fuel lines, intercooler, oil cooler all can be fitted, and how I need to route the ‘plumbing’.
The following photos show amongst other things that the bottom of the oil sump is now a lot lower than the original engine, as much as 25cm lower!
The Digidash I haven’t done much with yet other than to decide it’s installation position, this will be covered in a later update.
Last but not least is the steering wheel based control system for all the lights etc. The mock-ups are all working in the lab situation so now I’m creating PCB’s and getting ready to make it Automotive grade (Fail-Safe and waterproof)