As buttercup has been off the road for some time, she was due an MOT. Although this is technically a Dutch MOT, I have been able to book and take an English MOT at my local testing station, and be given a valid UK MOT. Although I will need a Dutch one when the car goes to Holland, I have a valid MOT. This was only possible thanks to Shelleys continued support of my mad hobby, she even helped me get buttercup home and spent time talking cars to the MOT guys while I was doing the paperwork 🙂
This was my first real drive of the car, and it was interesting! The turbo really kicks in hard and the car takes off very quickly indeed. I think I need to adjust the preload on the rear springs, and at speed on the motorway it can be a bit squirrelly, although this is probably down to ride height and alignment, both items on the to do list.
While the car was being MOT’d it did unfortunately blow a rad hose, I think because of the connections on the sender in the base of the radiator, they have always been a bit suspect. I’m presently building a new electronic fan controller that will duplicate this function, so if the radiator sensor plays up, the electronic sensor will kick in.
The following is a short video, unfortunately the camera has only picked up wind noise, but I’m working on a remote mic version that should let you enjoy the full benefit of turbo and BOV sounds 🙂