In between the kit car work I have taken it upon myself to improve my java skills and hence my Android skills. I have a few apps running in the SDK and on my phone. The following excerpt I’m quite proud of as it contains a number of basic but critical java programming steps. Although I have been programming for sometime it’s always been just my way, but now I am teaching myself a structured approach, protecting variables, creating sub classes and building step by step on my capabilities and experience, resulting in better, safer code.
class Library {
int size;
String bookTitle;
String authorName;
void lookup(){
System.out.println(size + ", " + bookTitle + ", " + authorName);
class Functions{
int GiveMeARandom(int x){
int number = (int) (Math.random() * x);
return number;
class Variables{
private int varX = 0;
private int varXupper = 100;
private int varXlower = 0;
public boolean setX (int x){
boolean result = false;
if (x > varXlower && x < varXupper) {
varX = x;
result = true;
return result;
public int getX() {
return varX;
class TestDrive {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Functions func = new Functions();
Variables var = new Variables();
int tempNumber = func.GiveMeARandom(200);
if (var.setX(tempNumber)) {
Library d = new Library();
} else {
System.out.println("Lookup Number " + tempNumber + " out of range");